
Posts Tagged ‘independent curator’

Lisa Adams is a painter and public artist who lives and works in the original brick portion of the Santa Fe Art Colony of LA, which was built in 1906 by entrepreneur C.B. Van Vorst, and was used as a mattress factory until the 1940’s. Train tracks wound through the property and up to the building itself in order to load and unload raw materials directly from freight cars. These tracks were recently paved over in 1999. Additional buildings were added in the 1930’s and 40’s, and the site saw later incarnations as a robe factory and a carpet business. In 1988 the complex was renovated and developed into artists’ lofts.


Lisa has taught, exhibited and studied with artists most of her life, and knows nearly everyone in the art business. It is not surprising that she would also live in an artist community. She has been an artist-in-residence in Slovenia, Finland, Japan, Holland and Costa Rica, and has exhibited nationally and internationally. Lisa is also an independent curator and published author.


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